Sunday, December 25, 2005



Thursday, December 22, 2005

Mathematical Poetry - Genius or Madness???

Hey Jellybeans,
As an added bonus feature this term you have the opportunity to create an acrostic "poem" that demonstrates an understanding of any one of these concepts:

1. Data Sampling
2. Scatterplot
3. Polynomials
4. Algebra Tiles

Remember, this is a bit of a race. Your answers have to be posted to the blog in the comments to this post. If someone has already used a word or phrase in their acrostic you cannot use the same word or phrase. (i.e. It gets harder to do the longer you wait. ;-) Here is an example of an acrostic that I wrote:

Always in 2 dimensions
Region between the boundaries
Entire surface is calculated
Answer is in units squared

To help you get started I would "very much suggest" that you click on the acrostic link. It will help guide you through the creative process. Check out some of the acrostic poems that Mr. K's class have written.

Have a wonderful holiday and I'll see you all in the new year.
Ms. Armstrong

P.S. Here is a funny cartoon courtesy of your friend Rayan. Check it out.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Statistics Quiz

Hello Jellybeans,

Here is a great review for tomorrow's test. Try it more than once because the questions should change each time it is uploaded.
Multiple choice scatterplot quiz

You can also check out the post called 'Statistically Speaking'. It will help you with some of the vocabulary in the unit. Remember, if you don't know what the words mean in the question, you can't answer it properly.

Study smart, not hard ;)
Ms. Armstrong

Monday, December 19, 2005

bonus mark

During this whole math unit i've experienced trouble on calculating the data, because i don't know what operation to use to figure out the answers.

Blogging for Bonus Marks

Hello there grade nines!

As I mentioned in class, I would like to give you the opportunity to earn a bonus mark for your test on Wednesday. You can do this in one of two ways.

1. What is your "muddiest point" from the statistics unit? Is there something you still don't understand? Are you missing any information in your notes? Explain what it is that you need help with for a bonus mark.

2. If you have the information that one of your classmates has posted about or an explanation to his/her question, respond to your classmate's post by leaving a comment and this will give you a bonus mark.

These posts need to be made by Tuesday night for the marks to count.

Don't forget that the last day to hand-in any assignments is tomorrow! I look forward to seeing you then.


Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Five Steps to Creating Scatterplot

I need your help to, in turn, help all your classmates out.

Remember how in class we looked at the five steps to creating a scatterplot? In order to remember these steps for the test, I would like to challenge your creative minds to create a saying, poem, or rhyme using the five letters of the steps: ALSPT

For example, when I was in school and trying to learn the directions, north, east, south, and west, I memorized the saying, "Never Eat Shredded Wheat."

Good luck!

Hiring a Scribe

Hello there everyone!

I have been so busy trying to prepare fun, but meaningful, math lessons for you that I haven't checked out the blog for a while!

The scribes who have done their duty have been doing a great job of listing the activities that we do in class, and Anne (the scribe before this post), has taken "scribing" to the next level by also including the content of what we learned. This is the scribe's job- to help those who missed class by providing them with the information we learned; and to help those who were in class but who, for some reason, missed an answer or some notes.

So... when it's your turn to be scribe, try answering these questions in your blog:

What did we do in class today?
What did we learn during these activities?
Was this new information or something I've seen in math or another class before?
Was the material difficult or easy to understand?
Is there something that I still don't understand and could ask my classmates to explain?
Did anything else happen during class that would be fun to keep a record of?

That's all for now! Just one quick reminder that your unit test will be on Wednesday!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

S1 Math Unit - Polynomials Table of Contents

For anyone that has not yet handed in their completed unit, here is the table of contents:
Thursday Oct.6 - Notes:Translation
Worksheet:Translating Expressions
Tuesday Oct.11 - Polynomial Vocabulary
Vocabulary Match - Orange Page
Thursday Oct.13-Worksheet:Intro to Polynomials
Friday Oct.14 - Like and Unlike terms(green booklet)
Pg.19 - bottom 6 questions
Pg.20/21 - combining like terms
Monday Oct.24 - Rules to live by #2-5
Tuesday Oct.25 - Notes:Adding Polynomials
Assignment:Pg 152 # 5 - 30 omit 28
Wednesday Oct.26 - Quiz Polynomials
Friday Oct.28 - Expressions: Creating a game
3x3 puzzle
Monday Oct.31 - Quiz "Your Turn" Adding polynomials
Tuesday Nov.1 - Notes: Subtracting Polynomials
Thursday Nov.3 - Assignment:pg.155 # 1 - 30
Monday Nov.7 - Quiz "Your Turn" sub. Polynomials
Tuesday Nov.8 - Notes: Multiplying polynomials
- Assignment:multiplying mono. X mono.
Wednesday Nov.9 - Notes:Multiplying binomial x binomial
- Assignment: Side2
Monday Nov. 25 - Notes : Multiplying Polynomials x mono.
-Assignment: Page 189 #1-46(even only)
-Quiz overhead(add/sub)
Tuesday Nov.15 - Ed helper(20 questions) bi x binomial
Wednesday Nov.16 - Notes: substitution
-Assign:pg 63 #15-20, #21 a/b
Thursday Nov.17 - Worksheet: substitution w/ simplifying(pg 3)
Friday Nov.18 - Unit Review

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Statistically Speaking

Hello again Jellybeans,
Here are some games to help you study the new vocabulary that Ms. Nicholson introduced for the statistics unit.

Sampling Terminology
Graphing Terminology
Scatterplot Terminolgy

Keep practising... you are going to be very smart mathematical jellybeans.
Ms. Armstrong

More Polynomial Practice

Hey Jellybeans,
Are you up for a little review? Here are some online multiple choice quizzes to review the major concepts from the polynomial unit - What a great way to prepare for the MIDTERM EXAM that you will be taking in January.

Adding Polynomials (5 questions)
Subtracting Polynomials (5 questions)
Multiplying a Polynomial by a Monomial (5 questions)
Multiplying Binomials (5 questions)
Substitution (5 questions) Leave out any questions about degree of polynomial.

You can take the quizzes as many times as you need to improve your skills.
Have Fun, and happy studying !!
Ms. Armstrong

Monday, December 05, 2005

Simple Random Sampling Method Presentation

1000 students from grades 9-12 are randomly selected to for the school to start an intramural sports program.

General Characteristics:
In this type of sampling the sample is chosen randomly from the entire population.

the sampling method eliminates bias. The sample size is good. Everyone and or thing in the population has an equal chance of being selected.

A list of the entire population is needed.
Obtaining data will not be quick.

This sampling method is not biased.

by Sunshine Salomon and Andrew Espiritu

December 5th math class

Ms. Nicholson gave us individual questions. What we had to do was indicate whether it belonged in the Negative Bias, Positive Bias or No Bias. So we got into groups than we read them out and determined whether we were in the right group or not. After that, we got into groups with others that had the same type of question. What we did then was, we made up two questions, a positive or negative bias and than a question without a bias.
by Sunshine (o0o its my first post, you guys better read it ! haha)

Systemic Sampling Method Presentation

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Cluster Sampling Method

Example : The Student Council wants to stand an intramural sports programs. The first step is to determine which sports the 1000 students in grade 9-12 would like to have in the intramural. Each of the five memebers of the student council sets out to collect data.

General Characteristic: Jill is a grade 11 student. She decides to ask 100 grade 11 students which sports they would like to have in the programs.

Strengths: The strength of the sample is that size is good and the data is easy to obtain.

Weaknesses: The weaknesses that the sample gives that not all the students have equal chance of being selected and not all grades are represented.

Biased: The sample is biased because Jill's sampling method does not show the entire population and not all students are not included in her asking.


Friday, December 02, 2005

Polynomial Unit

can somebody post the table of contents <--------- here

please and thank you

Thursday, December 01, 2005

today our class was arranged in groups and we read a certain article whether marijuana should be legal for who need it for medical use. my group agreed since they needed the marijuana as a remedy.

Today in math...

Well technically yesterday =/ but anyhow, We worked on our Sample project thing all period in the Mac lab, it was very easy, the question sheet assigned was simple, it basically had questions like "how accurate is this sample?" it was like the marks were calling out to us...