How many candies filled the jar?

Good afternoon jellybeans!
And now, the number you have all been waiting for... [drumroll please]...
x(7x^3+3x^2+5) where x=3 close to the truth! Who will accept this challenge? :0)
I learned a lot from teaching both classes on Friday especially that the last period on a Friday afternoon is one of the most difficult to manage because students seem to be high energy, excited about the weekend, and teachers seem to be low energy after a long week of hard work. I'm open to some suggestions as to how to make next Friday work.
Hope you all had a great weekend, and I look forward to exploring "statistics" with you more over the next four weeks.
i accept this challenge...
x(7x^3+3x^2+5) where x=3
is equivalent to...
if i am wrong.. MY BAD!!!
lol.... take care all... cya tomorow!!!!
[008]-iced tea addict-[008]
NOOOOO IM WRONG!!! i checked daureens and it's right..
i made a mistake on the 7x^3
i sed it was 49 for some reason...
maybe i added it..
oh well..
"even the greatest minds make mistakes"
im not a great mind.... and i made a mistake...hahahahahaha
I will try this challenge...but I am going to sleep cause im i will do it tomorrow...XD
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