Today in Class in class we were learning or actually playing a game about statistic. And it was fun cause the first game we had to guess how many candy were in the candy jar, and at first we didn'y know the type and size of the candies, only we knew how big the jar was. So we had to make a guess. And then later some of the students received jellybeans and some m&m's and there were twice as many m&m's then jellybeans, and that was a clue. And when I saw the sizes of the candies my whole answer changed. So once Miss Nicholson showed us the jar filled with candies, and we had to submit our guess, the winner who guessed was close was Ahmad......=/.........So for the second game we just had to go walk around the class to look for definitions on the walls and write them down. It was a bit fun and hard cause you have a partner and one will run up to the definition and read and come back remember some of the sentence they had read and the other person will write it down. And onces that is done, you switch spots and the person who wrote does the running and reading, and the person who did the running now does the writing part. And that was mostly it, and I think we don't have any homework......=/
(wow I wrote alot....=/.....this rarely happens....but ehh)
wow...i wrote alot....=/......and i just commmented myself........XD
sigh... your really bored arent you?
what do u mean i was bored? do u mean commenting myself or the post. cause if post i had to do it but if commenting myself why yes i was....
i meant the blog.. osrry man.. no offense meant...
accept my sincerest apologies..
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