Check out your new help center

Hello Jellybeans. I hope that everyone had a fabulous day out in the workforce and left a positive impression with future employers. I'm sure that you represented DMCI extremely well and your parents, aunts, uncles, neighbors and friends were proud to have you along side of them today.
While you were away...seeing the world...appreciating the work that others do, I was here at school setting up a blog for you to communicate with your classmates about MATH. This will be the newest place for you to get help with homework and catch up on classes that you have missed. You can write about the topics covered in class, you can post a math question that you are struggling with, or you can respond to someone else's question when you think that you can help them out. The more you post, the more valuable this tool will be towards learning and gaining credit in this class. So have fun... and help one another.
I have started you off by posting some websites that I think you will benefit from. Some are for multiplication practice, others are for integer operations, and others are for order of operations. Check out the sites that you think will help strengthen your skills. After know yourself best.
Here is your assignment:
- Leave a comment describing where you went for your work placement and how you enjoyed your day. (make sure you use your first name and last initial only - for safety, DO NOT type your whole last name)
- Click on the link that says email Ms. Armstrong and send me a short email. This way I will have your email address and I can set up your account so you can post messages on the site.
- Check out any 3 of the links that might help you out.
See you on Monday,
Ms. Armstrong
hello ms.armstrong =) leaving you a commment like u asked (Y) nice blogspot... ok, byebye =)
I worked at my parent's restaurant ( KG Saigon ) and I basicly do what i always do there. Cashier, Cleaning Up.
hi miss armstrong!!!
arvin here!!
i went with celeste and her mom..
to Grant Park high school...
our first job was in the office...
had a great time folding ENVELOPES!!!
issat a part of a teachers work??
then we had to do some filing in a electonics class...
(wanted to steal their plans for the ligthsaber!!)
then we had to take down the holloween decorations in the library...
and that was basically it!!
had a great time shooting silly string at celeste though!!! hehehe
take care!!
hi mrs.a! wats up? anyhow yesturday arvin came with me to my mom's work. we went to help people out around her school.and yes we were folding envelopes in the office most of the time.then at lunch we went to grant park mall and arvin bought some silly string and we kept spraying it at each other :P lol. then we helped out in the library and yha thats about it! hope u have a good day! bye!see you on monday!
- Celeste R
Hi Ms. Armstrong, well just leaving a comment. Anyways,I went with my mom and it was soooo BORING!!! All i did was list the patients name and after that i sat down on the chair waiting for the next patient to come.. AHHH it was soo BOring. Well, I have to go now, see you on monday! :)
hey miss armsrtong!
hows life
uuummm, dont know wut to do...
wut do i need to do?
ummmm,oh yeah the work thingy...
i went with anne anthony at gemini fashion canada......
we filed things, then after that
i burst papers....
then we had a break...
then work again.
and then 4:00 time to go...
very happy!
now i realized wut my parents are doing at work...
and i decide to stay in school, study as hard as i can...
reach the tallest mountain, cross the deepest sea...
just to finished college....
im going to mke my mom and dad proud of me.....
thanks for ur help.....
whats unlike term?
Ooh, Pretty. Hey, I'm in a box!! Amazing. ^_^ Umm, I went with my dad. I got to chill on a computer all day and I didn't do much really. I had a great time though! =| I wanted to be the first person!! :( You people behind me made me sad! and I knwo who you are!!
I worked at 99.1 cool fm with my sister
It's my birthday today! So I expect some happy birthdays on Monday!!
Hey mrs.a!!
It's Marlowe!!
I'm going to use the multiplication links.
Well I got to goand use them right now.
Bye byez
Hi Msr. Armstrong,i went with my sister and Azreal and we did some filing which was really BORING!!Theres this lady who gave me lots of papers to file and I never got to finish it all. BYe , see you on monday .
hey its edward jus here to say that i was at home sick that day so i couldnt go to work with my dad.
hey ms.armstrong! XD....well this is ryan r. and well for take your kids to work day, ummm i went with my mom and shes a hair stlyist. what i did there was just umm folding towels, polishing the product they had on the shelf cause of all the hair n dust that goes on it, and umm sweep the floor. that was mostly it but it was great....anyways SEE YA!!! school XD..oh and umm the email thingy wont work =(, so i will just give you my email at school so yeha....see ya xP
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